2022 Should be a Record Breaking Summer
2022 Should be a Record Breaking Summer for Big Northern Pike The outlook is that 2022 should be a record breaking summer for big northern [...]
Outdoor Adventures in the Fall
Outdoor Adventures in the Fall When the fall season approaches, there are an abundance of outdoor adventures available. These adventures can range from camping and [...]
Fishing During the “Dog Days” of Summer.
Fishing During the "Dog Days" of Summer Fishing During the "Dog Days" of Summer can be tricky. The "dog days" start roughly the first week [...]
Essential Fishing Lures for Northern Manitoba, Canada
Essential Fishing Lures for Northern Manitoba, Canada When planning a fishing trip to Northern Manitoba, one of the most important items to pack is a [...]
How Northern Pike Transition During Summer
How Northern Pike Transition During Summer, Spring and Fall There is no doubt that northern pike are a popular fresh water species to target when [...]
Spring is What Anglers Wait All Year For
Spring is What Anglers Wait All Year For While the lakes in Northern Manitoba are still blanketed with ice measuring in feet, anxious anglers are [...]
What Polar Vortex? It’s a Normal Winter in Northern Manitoba
What Polar Vortex? It's a Normal Winter in Northern Manitoba Most of North America is dealing with record cold and snow this February due to [...]
Northern Lights on Utik Lake
Northern Lights at North Haven Resort Winter is now in full swing at North Haven Resort on Utik Lake. The long cold dark nights and [...]
Fly-Ins Fishing Only: Why We Love Our Seclusion
Fly-In Fishing Only: Why We Love Our Seclusion There is only one way to get to North Haven Resort. You have to fly in. In [...]
A Beginner’s Ice Fishing Checklist: What to Bring on Your First Ice Fishing Trip
A Beginner’s Ice Fishing Checklist: What to Bring on Your First Ice Fishing Trip As the fall succumbs to winter, avid anglers are gearing up [...]
5 Reasons Why You Should Considering Unplugging from Your Smartphone
5 Reasons Why You Should Considering Unplugging from Your Smartphone According to the Pew Research Center, 96% of Americans own cell phones, 81% of which [...]
Private Cabins for Post-Pandemic Comfort
Private Cabins for Post-Pandemic Comfort Rustic Luxury You don't have to endure spiders and dust to get away from it all. North Haven Resort believes [...]
Post-Pandemic: Plan Group Events at North Haven Resort
Post-Pandemic: Plan Group Events at North Haven Resort North Haven: Ready & Willing When the Time is Right We hope to see you in the [...]
Travel Safely and Plan Ahead
Travel Safely and Plan Ahead North Haven Resort is ready for you...when you are ready for us. We understand that now is not the ideal [...]
Safe Fishing Guidelines for COVID-19
Can you go fishing during the current COVID-19 Pandemic? During this unexpected time of quarantine, social distancing, and working together to stop the spread of [...]
North Haven’s Social Distancing Ideas
North Haven's Social Distancing Ideas Social Distancing Staycation! We hope to see you in the future when you book your trip to North Haven Resort [...]